Comment on Abused Then..And Now By The Registry

There’s some minor glitches at the moment in posting comments, but I feel it’s important to comment on Abused Then….And Now By The Registry, so I’m commenting on the blog.
This piece is Powerful!!!!
The author has said that they would put up with two more years of sexual abuse rather than remain on the sex offender registry. A Powerful statement.!
This is the kind of article that needs to land on the desk of President Obama, US Attorney General Loretta Lynch, US Sentencing Commissioner Patti Saris and state govenors, .
Yes, it is that Powerful.!
The registry is government sanctioned discrimination, in fact, it seems like one of the last groups that the government intentionally allows to be discriminated against.
Those in Washington need to read first-hand accounts by people that live on the registry. They need to hear about the destruction , heartache and even violence that it brings to those on it as well as their families. The registry makes no one “safer”, it does the opposite, it puts those on it as well as their loved ones at risk.
I applaud Sloan44 for an excellant article….thank you.

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