About Us
Scarlet Letter ECHO is the official blog for Women Against Registry National
Women Against Registry was organized in 2011 as a vehicle for the wives, mothers, girlfriends, aunts, grandmothers, cousins and others who have a loved one who, after being adjudicated of a sexual offense continue to be punished for things they might do. WAR does in no way condone the sexual abuse of any child or adult. We advocate for sexual abuse prevention programs such as Stop It Now to teach safety to the public.
WAR is a nation-wide all-volunteer organization whose objective is to educate the public, media and legislators using empirical data.
I’m in Canada and wanted to let you know about something that happened recently. Perhaps this information can help you in your fight since it highlight facts over myths.
Our Supreme count has recently declared:
“Mandatory registration of all sex offenders, and lifetime registration of those who have committed more than one offence, is unconstitutional because not all of them pose a risk, the Supreme Court of Canada has ruled.
By a 5-4 majority, the Supreme Court found mandatory inclusion on the registry unfair, and a violation of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, because not all sex offenders are at risk of reoffending, it said. It cited expert evidence that the least dangerous 10 per cent of sex offenders are no more dangerous than offenders who had not committed sex offences. And, citing testimony from the Crown’s expert witness, it said 75 to 85 per cent of convicted sex offenders do not reoffend, and committing two sex offences at the same time does not predict a bigger danger than committing one.
Mary Campbell, a former senior government official who helped develop the registry, called it ineffective and a “charade.” “The SCC decision is extremely important because of what it highlights about the flaws in basing crime prediction laws solely on the nature of the crime. That is just one factor in any assessment of risk,” she said.
Courts in several provinces had called the registry a minimal or modest intrusion, but the Supreme Court majority said its constraints on liberty are “insidious and pervasive.”
The ruling, co-authored by Justice Andromache Karakatsanis and Justice Sheilah Martin, said the Crown offered “no evidence that demonstrates how these provisions are effective in helping police prevent and investigate sex crimes. Indeed, the sparse information in the record points in the opposite direction.” “(The registry) is nearly 20 years old,” the court wrote. “Despite its long existence, there is little or no concrete evidence of the extent to which it assists police in the prevention and investigation of sex offences.”
Meanwhile, it found the impact of being placed on the registry to be severe. “The impact of a (registry) order on an offender’s liberty can only fairly be described as serious,” the court wrote.
Do you allow blog comments/ blog by ex-prisoners who are male? My son was just released after twenty years and is a great writer, also,do you actually have a physical location?
Yes, we do allow newly released citizens required to register to post. He is welcomed with open arms. We do not have a brick-and-mortar building location. We are based out of the St. Louis Missouri area with members in the majority of states. Vicki Henry
As a victim of a sex offender i am appalled this site exists.
Was the person on the registry at that time?
I am sorry that you had to endure your own ordeal, but that doesn’t mean you’re not a survivor. The collateral damage to the families and loved ones of those on this very diluted registry is what this site is all about.
Unless you believe that an innocent child should pay for the crimes of their parents? Then you have every right to be appalled.
So if that is the case then the vast majority of survivors of sexual assault would also be condemned by your standards, due to the fact that over 80% of assaults are committed by a family member or someone that is known and trusted by the victim and their parents.
If that is NOT the case, then as part of your healing process you may want to explore this issue from the perspective of a loved one, child, parent, or spouse of a person on the registry. Attempt to see the world through their eyes and help them see your struggles through your eyes. That is how healing really happens, otherwise it is all misdirected anger and resentment that will never allow you to heal and move forward in life to be joyous and happy again.
I hope and pray everyday that you are successful. When I was 18 years old in 1991 I had sex with a 16 year old girl at a friends home. We had been drinking beer and she had taken acid earlier that day. I took her home late for curfew and her mother met her on the front porch and said, ” he raped you didn’t he”. The police were called I was arrested and my parents hired an attorney. She said it was consensual than changed her mind and the state said they would pick up charges regardless. Couple that with no finically resources and the hired attorney said my parents can’t afford a trial and this was a good plea deal. The plea deal was 2/12 years probation with adjudication withheld and unsupervised probation so I could attend college in a state that wouldn’t accept my probation. The probation officer was given orders by the judge not to contact my school. The probation officer contacted my school after three semesters and I was asked to leave. I transferred and I was asked to leave after two semesters at the new school. The probation office also violated my probation for not attending sex offender counseling. The judge ruled after the violation that I don’t have to attend sex offender counseling or ever admit guilt. Very few opportunities ever materialized in my life because of my decision on who to spend time with. However the best thing that could possibly happen did, I became a husband and father to three girls. With this amazing blessing also came the horror of how badly my being a registered sex offender can hurt them. I was not able to join the YMCA after we took a family tour, not able to tour potential schools for my daughters, asked to leave Disney after we arrived at the campground with a truck full of gear for my daughters birthday by two Sherrif deputies. We had to start homeschooling the girls when they weren’t being invited to classmates birthday parties. The girls get scared when there is a pounding on the door, sometimes at midnight from deputies doing address checks. The obstacles to my wife and children are immeasurable. I have tremendous guilt and depression knowing I hurt them through registration. If I knew it wouldn’t hurt them worse I would no longer be here. When I accepted this deal there was no registry or even internet. This is a non punitive registration and therefore I have no say. I’ve payed lawyers that were all to glad to take my money with no results. I understand that I have culpability in the people I give my time to but my family doesn’t. I’ve never been in trouble since this incident. 26 years of being a labeled the worst of a community. I apologize if I shouldn’t have posted here. I’ve never written this down before. I came across this site and just started writing for the first time in 26 years.
My thoughts about women against the registry. Hmm. I think its a great idea that these women are not only fighting for their men folks caught up in all this but they are fighting for all others that are caught in this ordeal.
Believe it or not women can get more done than men. It might seem odd that women are defending the sex offender as most offenders are against women to start with but that is far and in between.
Their are all types of abuses from police setting others up to the actually sexual thought in itself. For one to abuse someone it takes two people either one gives into the abuse of the person or says wait a minute this is wrong.
Now a lot of these ladies have loved ones that made some mistake either on the computer or by some contact physical abuse of another person.
Now Vicki and the ladies are doing a good job at standing up to these issues but I would concentrate more of a biblical view of setting one up as these internet sex stings ten to do. Police agencies have a code of conduct and if you really think about it who’s abusing who in these encounters.
Physical contact with a child and stuff is different. Mallory I think Terry and Kat are doing a good job but we still have a long ways to go.
This isn’t for publication but for those who operate this blog and is meant with good intentions.
Whoever writes and manages this blog does a great job and clearly has the writing and editing skills needed for such a task. It is clearly not the same person who does that for the WAR website, and since you are aligning yourself with them, you might want to ask for an editing voice. I clicked through to the WAR homepage from your site, and the first thing that met my eye was this ad for your site: “Ever feel like your spinning your wheel and not going anywhere or getting anything done? Let’s talk!” I didn’t read any further. When the way the message is delivered gets in the way of the message itself, the purpose is not served.
Thank you for your honest critique. The blog is such an important piece of making our voices heard and for sharing our truths. I will forward your thought’s to my leadership team, all ideas for increased conversation are invaluable to us. Thank you for taking the time and effort to support our purpose. Terry
“ever feel like you’re spinning your wheels and not going anywhere or getting anything done” is exactly why I DID read further in this blog.
While Mallory may have felt the message delivered got in the way of the message itself, I didn’t feel that way at all, in fact, it re-enforced what I had seen on the WAR website, there are other people out there, just like me, who keep fighting the good fight but often feel like we’re not making any progress.
Everyone coming to this blog is at a different point in their journey, some are at the starting line with no idea which way to go, others have run the gauntlet and while we can’t exactly call it a “finish line”, we see a faint glimmer of light at the end of a long dark tunnel. Many of us are somewhere in the middle. Where ever you are on this road, it’s comforting to know that there are others who understand what you’re going through. We have all spun our wheels at one point or another whether it be with the local police, courts, state representatives, BOP or Washington D.C.
Perhaps the Scalet Echo message wasn’t delivered in a way that suits everyones needs, but I hope Mallory will take the time to read alittle further , give it a chance as I did, she might be surprised.