
Women Against Registry First Annual NATIONAL CONFERENCE

Women Against Registry held their First Annual NATIONAL CONFERENCEĀ in (Maryland Heights) St Louis, Mo. on JULY 29-30, 2017

17 states were represented at the 2 day conference in 2017.

The theme: Our Families ~ Our Future ~ Our Time

Admission to this conference was FREE. There was no conference admission or registration fee.

The dates of the conference were (July 29-30)

Conference was centrally located in St. Louis, MO (Maryland Heights area)

The conference was held at a very nice St. Louis hotel.
A reduced room rate was available for those wishing to stay at the venue.

The hotel provided a shuttle from the airport

We provided a shuttle from the train station

We had some amazing dynamic speakers including, among others:

  • Matt Duhamel of Metamora Films to discuss his advocacy work, his new documentary film and other Projects
  • Miriam Aukerman, Michigan ACLU Attorney to update us on the decision from the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals and possible SCOTUS review
  • Keynote Speaker
  • Missouri State Representative John McCaherty
  • Professor Kitty Dubin
  • Attorney Janice Bellucci – “I Have a Dream” speech
  • Award winning ‘Untouchable’ Documentary film
  • Pastor Roger Ray – The Emerging Church – Springfield MO
  • Toastmaster – Mike Woodall

There were informative breakout sessions

  • Cause and Effect – Registrant Storytelling Time
  • Life in Civil Commitment
  • How Do I Get Through This – Grieving Families of Registrants
  • L-RIDD – Legal Reform of the Intellectually & Developmentally Delayed
  • Participate in A “Working Workshop”

Art sale:

  • There was an auction of art pieces and books produced by prisoners, registrants, or family members who donated their works as their contribution to this worthy cause; a cause that is designed to help us all.

Videos of portions of the conference are being prepared for upload and will be available soon.

Especially if you attended this conference, please leave comments about the experience or anything else you would like to say.

4 thoughts on “Women Against Registry First Annual NATIONAL CONFERENCE

  • Kathleen Garner

    Everyone at WAR,
    You all did a superb job putting together and running the conference! I was soooo impressed and loved every minute. Sincere congrats!

  • Ruta Bega

    Two questions: Are you aware that Galen Baughman is and has been for over a year in prison for violating his probation terms in regard to sending suggestive texts to minor boys?

    Several people have been sued by the estate of Dr. King for plagarising his speech. Has Ms. Bullici been sued yet?

    • Ruta Bega: we are aware of Galen being in “jail” but not prison for a technical violation. We have the content of the parole officer’s report that you possibly had conveyed to you. There were a number of academics and professionals at the hearing who testified on his behalf. Now back to the TEDx Talk. It was a very poignant piece and should be acknowledged as a tool for us to use. It is about the message not the messenger. I guess your saying we should not listen to anybody that re-offends or has a technical violation as they are sub-human? I do read about them. They are unfortunate but do happen. I have to say I have very dear friends whose loved one re-offended and they are devastated and I hope they don’t read this.

      Now I just have to ask why are you posting under the “Ruta Bega” pseudonym? Do you have something to gain by pointing this out?

  • Congratulations on a successful inaugural conference! The large size of the gathering was only eclipsed by the high quality of presentations. Looking forward to next year.


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