Child PornographyreformSentencing Commission

Is The US Sentencing Commission Dragging It’s Heels On Child Pornography And Sex Offender Agenda?

Over the past 5 years I ‘ve followed the goings on at the US Sentencing Commission. Public comment letters meticulously drafted were sent to Washington whenever the topic of child pornography/sex offender registry was on the agenda. I’ve received return form letters from Washington that had absolutely nothing to do with the topic of changes in the sex offender laws. Most  recently I watched the March 16 broadcasted public hearing on possible changes to child pornography amendments, listened to and tried to make sense out of all the legalize which seems intended for anyone but the general public.

The past 5 years the Sentencing Commission’s agenda has included topics such as white-collar crimes, immigration, changes in drug laws, prison reform and  last but not least , child pornography.

There has been the Fair Sentencing Act, Sentencing Reform Act, Mandatory Minimums, Recidivist Provision, Firearms and Armed Career Criminal Acts, to name a few. Most of them, when addressed by the US Sentencing Commission, deal with changes in drug laws and prison reform for drug offenders. There’s been nothing addressing the need for changes in sex offender laws  or changes in the sex offender registry.

I’ve come to expect child pornography/sex offender issues to be last on the Commission’s agenda, no one in Washington wants to speak about the issue, it  gets glazed over and put on the back burner until the next session.

Am I disillusioned after 5 years? Perhaps. It appears that  when it comes to the US Sentencing Commission, the old adage that the “wheels of justice grind slowly” seems to pertain to sex offences, child pornography and the registry while other topics are on the fast-track for change.

Sooner or later our voices will be heard  and change will come. Our cause deserves the same time and attention, the same chance at  sentencing reform, as any other on the Commission’s agenda.

5 thoughts on “Is The US Sentencing Commission Dragging It’s Heels On Child Pornography And Sex Offender Agenda?

  • Hello John….. Look I got into this whole mess myself or should I say I got tangled up in this whole mess. Whatever the case may be it is what it is. Even my probation officer told me one day when I was in his office and he couldn’t believe I wasn’t in jail. Well it is what it is until it is what it isn’t.
    John this whole thing is fabricated. You do your time or probation and that should be it. This extended lifetime registration is a bunch of man-mad crap.
    Now John I have my good days and my bad days and I to at one time felt the whole world was against me but sometimes you have to reach out.
    Now these ladies on here are willing to help. Sure I’m a sex offender but who did I offend? Now everything has pros and cons and police want to be the force, in other words the big chief to rule the tribe. They will do anything they can to take advantage of the weak person.
    Stand up… Let these ladies help as they are going thru the same thing with some of their family members. And John be a man and stand up for all this.

  • I am hiding in my brothers basement cause of Adam Walsh new law I am living in pure hell lost every thing wife kids job o my God some one please help I am suicidel 20 years go by go by got married every thing was ok then new law comes out while arrested for drinking and driving was told I had to register for life o my God they should just put a gun to my head and end this night mere if I could get my hands on a gun today I would end my life today can’t afford lawyers any more I’m disabled went in front off a judge 9 years ago judge said his hands were tied that cost me $5000 for that please help me God

    • John
      Sounds like you need some support.
      You can contact the WAR support line 1-800-773-4319, their hours of operation are listed on the WAR website under “Contact”.
      If you are feeling suicidal contact 911 or call your local mental health organization, they can assist you in getting the help you need.

    • Terry Hanson

      John, please know I am with you, like I am for my son. Try to remember there are thousands and thousands of individuals and their families like yourself so distraught by the inhumane and debilitating effects of the registry and you are worth fighting for. Our voices get louder everyday!!!!!! If you need help with resources, research, or others that are fighting so hard to help, please let me know. My son just started his sentence, and I promised to him that I would work everyday to push for the elimination of the horrific injustice society has created. I, like many others will NOT give up. All humans deserve the right to dignity and a sense of self-worth and love. Do NOT let them take that away from you.

    • John ~ You ARE NOT ALONE!!! There are many others in a VERY similar situation, or, believe it or not even worse. You may get to the point of feeling buried and forgotten, but stay calm and don’t give up!!! You were put here to do amazing things; do not let them win. If you “don’t give up, and you don’t give in” then it is YOU who are in control. Don’t shrink from your experiences. Grow from them. You CAN overcome and then you may do great things for someone else. Make friends through W.A.R. they ARE there to help you re-discover what brings you that deep and profound inner joy in yourself. It is there John, it’s just temporarily covered up with confusion and doubt. That’s God’s way of letting you know you are on the right track…to become stronger, so you can use your strength to help someone else. Follow that inner divine guidance system towards what your life’s purpose is. When it is the right time, you will know what to do. Trust it ~ and everything else will fall into place. What you need will come as you need it; sometimes not as quick as you think it should, but, it ALWAYS DOES COME IN THE RIGHT TIME. Start here. “Make things happen. Get yourself right and everything else takes care of itself.” I know because our own family has lived through this roller-coaster ourselves for 25 years. It IS GOING TO CHANGE ~ You cannot change what others do, or say, but you can change what you do and say. Change how you handle it and you will be amazed how your life get better, in spite of any pain. It may not be easy, but my friend…it WILL be worth it. God will help you, if you really want Him to…


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